Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of Feb. 6-10 Period 7

2/6/12 Period 7
Collect projects
Collect first 10 words VIS chart
BEEP video finish social organizations (your own notes)
begin beliefs & values (handout notes)
Homework: 2nd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

2/7/12 Finish BEEP series
Handouts: ethnocentrism (jigsaw)
Homework: 3rd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

2/8/12 100% American (jigsaw)
Homework: 4th 10 Political Geo. vocab.

BEEP Series test
CNN video on McDonaldization (cultural imperialism)
Essential questions: How do multinational corporation affect indigenous cultures?
Homework: Finish all vocab Pol. Geo by Monday.

HSC practice tests
Pep Rally
Practice identifying countries
work on vocab. All words due Tues.

HSC tests
HSC (How to Study a Culture) Test
Homework: read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some theme in Ch. 5.

Coming Up:
Outlining Ch. 5
vocab. drills
Raising questions
Rubenstein colonial map activities
Rubenstein: Middle East conflict
Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test

Cultural Hearth work: a. What countries border your hearth's countries?
b. What are the historical border conflicts? Explain in a paragraph.
c. Print outline of you hearth's country and identify the following:
1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.)
2. landlocked?
3. exclave or enclave
d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why?
e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth.
f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member?

Promethean Flipchart

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