Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week of Feb. 21-24 Period 5

2/22/12 Period 5
Review questions:
a. What is the difference between a nation, a nation-state, and a country?
b. Why do most countries organize their countries into geographically based hierarchy of local government agencies?
c. Explain the federalist system.
d. What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Check outlines.
Homework: Read Section 3 of Ch. 5. Construct 2 questions you don't understand.
Go to You tube link and watch electoral college. Make sure you can explain how the electoral college works.
Warmup: Jot down electoral college process
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Go over Section 3 discussion questions.
Homework: Study first two sections.
Test tomorrow on first two sections.

Ch. 5 Sec. 1-2 test
Construct Ch. 5 Sec. 3 quiz

Homework: Review section 3.

Coming up:

Research a group of indigenous peoples. What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of peoples living under the authority of larger states? Explain in a brief (5-6 sentences) paragraph.

9 Star Hotel (Israel borders)

Read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some themes in Ch. 5.

Rubenstein colonial map activities
Rubenstein: Middle East conflict
Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test

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