1. Check Ch. 5 VIS Charts
2. HSC T/F & M/C test
3. Model Ch. 5 outline section.
4. Homework: Using section 1 model, outline section 2 "The Geography of Local and Regional Politics"
Objective: Students will be able to identify an Asian city that is in the South part of the divide, but has both wealth and poverty.
1. Summarize North/South Divide concept; identify Mumbai on map and give statistics.
2. View google images of Mumbai
3. Listen to an interview with Katherine Boo who wrote about Mumbai slums.
As you're listening ask yourself the following:
What is the critical information from this interview?
Write a paragraph on something that stood out. Write a paragraph on how this interview applies to HG.
Homework: Outline section 3 of Ch. 5
Warmup: review section 1 "What is Political Geography"
Test Tip challenge, p. 182. What are the challenges of stateless nations?
Computer: Choose a stateless nation and summarize the problems associated with stateless nations. Summarize in a paragraph or using bullets.
Homework: Review Section 2, Ch. 5. Write 2 questions you don't understand. If you understand the section, write 2 question the section raises. These will be discussed on Friday.
Discussion of Section 2 Share 2 questions you didn't understand on Section 2. What questions were raised by the section?
Discussion questions:
a. What is the difference between a nation, a nation-state, and a country?
b. Why do most countries organize their countries into geographically based hierarchy of local government agencies?
c. Explain the federalist system.
d. What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Homework: Research a group of indigenous peoples. What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of peoples living under the authority of larger states? Explain in a brief (5-6 sentences) paragraph.
Coming Up: read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some theme in Ch. 5. Finish outlining Ch. 5 vocab. drills Raising questions Rubenstein colonial map activities Rubenstein: Middle East conflict Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test Cultural Hearth work: a. What countries border your hearth's countries? b. What are the historical border conflicts? Explain in a paragraph. c. Print outline of you hearth's country and identify the following: 1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.) 2. landlocked? 3. exclave or enclave d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why? e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth. f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member?
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