Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Disney explains electoral college

Week of Feb. 27-Mar. 2 Period 7

Period 7
Ch. 5, Sec. 3 test
In groups, share and vote on best quiz questions.
Section discussion of confusing terms.
Send quiz questions in email.

Reflection on Ch. 5; section 3.
Cultural Hearth work:
a. What countries border your hearth's countries? Illustrate on map.
b. What are the historical border conflicts? Summarize in a paragraph.
c. Print border outline of your hearth's country and identify the following:
1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.)
2. landlocked?
3. exclave or enclave?
d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why?
e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth.
f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member? Analyze the benefits and challenges of membership in these organizations.
Homework: finish hearth work
Study for quiz.

Hot Seat Game
Practice Colonization in Rubenstein preparation

Rubenstein on colonization
Test 1 & 2
Silent Reading Sections 4 & 5.
Homework: Construct at least 2 questions on confusing concepts. Study!

Section 3 quiz
Review sections 4 & 5 confusing concepts.
Homework: Gather up hearth work; put in folder; bring to class on Monday.

Coming Up:
Film: Chinatown, Africa

Hearth Writing Rubric

Writing Rubric

Vocabulary ____ (Terminology is sufficiently used and appropriate.)

Relevant ____ (Facts and examples are connected to question.)

Accurate ____ (Information is factual.)

Fully developed ____ (Argument has sufficient detailed support.)

Detailed connections ____ (Concepts applied effectively to other situations.)

Critical analysis ____ (Concepts are broken down into parts, relationships, comparisons.)

Research skills ____ (Wide range of appropriate research. Proper citations.)

Clarity ____ (Clear organization; appropriate transitions; logical sequence)

Writing conventions ____ (Grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting)

Hearth Writing Assessment

Hearth Writing Assessment (limit 2 pages or 900 words [insert at end of paper])

Describe how your cultural hearth has been affected politically, and/or economically, and/or culturally because of colonialism or imperialism.

Suggested structure of essay (IF you choose all three topics):

Paragraph 1: Brief history of your hearth’s colonial experience. Thesis statement (last sentence in introduction) should state something like: “________________ has been negatively (or positively) affected economically, politically, and culturally because of the lingering effects of colonialism (or imperialism).

Paragraphs 2-4: Structure the body of your essay in a logical division of topics. For example, you could write a paragraph addressing the changing of political borders and its effects on the peoples; another paragraph could analyze the economic effects. For example, Haiti has never recovered from the huge financial debt it was forced to pay to the French after independence, and this has had a grave impact on the country’s economy. The last paragraph of the body could address any cultural aftereffects of colonialism. For instance, whenever foreign military bases are present in a colony, those military personnel usually interact with the natives resulting in cultural diffusion.

Paragraph 5: Your conclusion should summarize your body (not a repetition, but paraphrasing of findings). You should take a stand on whether or not colonialism was good and/or bad for your hearth. (Remember, there can be positive and negative effects.) You could also address any questions raised by your hearth’s current situation in terms of colonialism or imperialism.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week of Feb. 27-Mar. 2 Period 5

Period 5
In groups, share and vote on best quiz questions.
Section discussion of confusing terms.
Send quiz questions in email.

Reflection on Ch. 5; section 3.
Cultural Hearth work:
a. What countries border your hearth's countries? Illustrate on map.
b. What are the historical border conflicts? Summarize in a paragraph.
c. Print border outline of your hearth's country and identify the following:
1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.)
2. landlocked?
3. exclave or enclave
d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why?
e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth.
f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member? Analyze the benefits and challenges of membership in these organizations.
Homework: finish hearth work
Study for quiz.

exclave and enclave explained (web page)
Section 3 review
Review Section 4 & 5
review vocabulary
Rubenstein on colonization worksheet.

Check Rubenstein sheets
Collect hearth work. Monday for grace period.
Student made quiz Sec. 3
Silent Reading Sections 4 & 5.
Homework: Construct at least 2 questions on confusing concepts.
Homework: Gather up hearth work; put in folder; bring to class on Monday.

Coming Up:
Film: Chinatown, Africa
Essays on culural hearths.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

9 Star Hotel: Borders around the World

Western Culture Flooding China...and some don't like it...

Linguistic China Connection

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week of Feb. 21-24 Period 7

2/21/12 Period 7
Review questions:
a. What is the difference between a nation, a nation-state, and a country?
b. Why do most countries organize their countries into geographically based hierarchy of local government agencies?
c. Explain the federalist system.
d. What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Homework: Read Section 3 of Ch. 5. Construct 2 questions you don't understand.
Go to You tube link and watch electoral college. Make sure you can explain how the electoral college works.

Review electoral college
Go over Section 3 discussion questions.
Homework: Review Section 2 Barrons
Test Friday on first two sections.

Construct Ch. 5 Sec. 3 quiz
collect Outlines
Homework: Read section 4 of Ch. 5
Coming up:

9-Star Hotel (Israel borders)

Read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some themse in Ch. 5.

Research a group of indigenous peoples. What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of peoples living under the authority of larger states? Explain in a brief (5-6 sentences) paragraph.

Rubenstein colonial map activities
Rubenstein: Middle East conflict
Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test

Electoral College in Plain English

Week of Feb. 21-24 Period 5

2/22/12 Period 5
Review questions:
a. What is the difference between a nation, a nation-state, and a country?
b. Why do most countries organize their countries into geographically based hierarchy of local government agencies?
c. Explain the federalist system.
d. What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Check outlines.
Homework: Read Section 3 of Ch. 5. Construct 2 questions you don't understand.
Go to You tube link and watch electoral college. Make sure you can explain how the electoral college works.
Warmup: Jot down electoral college process
Share with LP
Go over Section 3 discussion questions.
Homework: Study first two sections.
Test tomorrow on first two sections.

Ch. 5 Sec. 1-2 test
Construct Ch. 5 Sec. 3 quiz

Homework: Review section 3.

Coming up:

Research a group of indigenous peoples. What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of peoples living under the authority of larger states? Explain in a brief (5-6 sentences) paragraph.

9 Star Hotel (Israel borders)

Read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some themes in Ch. 5.

Rubenstein colonial map activities
Rubenstein: Middle East conflict
Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Slum and squatter settlements

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of Feb. 14-17 Period 7

1. Check Ch. 5 VIS Charts
2. HSC T/F & M/C test
3. Model Ch. 5 outline section.
4. Homework: Using section 1 model, outline section 2 "The Geography of Local and Regional Politics"

Objective: Students will be able to identify an Asian city that is in the South part of the divide, but has both wealth and poverty.
1. Summarize North/South Divide concept; identify Mumbai on map and give statistics.
2. View google images of Mumbai
3. Listen to an interview with Katherine Boo who wrote about Mumbai slums.
As you're listening ask yourself the following:

What is the critical information from this interview?
Write a paragraph on something that stood out. Write a paragraph on how this interview applies to HG.

Homework: Outline section 3 of Ch. 5

Warmup: review section 1 "What is Political Geography"

Test Tip challenge, p. 182. What are the challenges of stateless nations?

Computer: Choose a stateless nation and summarize the problems associated with stateless nations. Summarize in a paragraph or using bullets.

Homework: Review Section 2, Ch. 5. Write 2 questions you don't understand. If you understand the section, write 2 question the section raises. These will be discussed on Friday.

Discussion of Section 2 Share 2 questions you didn't understand on Section 2. What questions were raised by the section?
Discussion questions:
a. What is the difference between a nation, a nation-state, and a country?
b. Why do most countries organize their countries into geographically based hierarchy of local government agencies?
c. Explain the federalist system.
d. What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Homework: Research a group of indigenous peoples. What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of peoples living under the authority of larger states? Explain in a brief (5-6 sentences) paragraph.

Coming Up: read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some theme in Ch. 5. Finish outlining Ch. 5 vocab. drills Raising questions Rubenstein colonial map activities Rubenstein: Middle East conflict Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test Cultural Hearth work: a. What countries border your hearth's countries? b. What are the historical border conflicts? Explain in a paragraph. c. Print outline of you hearth's country and identify the following: 1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.) 2. landlocked? 3. exclave or enclave d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why? e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth. f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member?

Week of Feb. 13-17 Period 5

1. HSC Practice Test
2. Check Ch. 5 VIS Charts
3. HSC T/F & M/C test
4. Homework: work on vocab; study chapter

1. Collect vocab. Ch. 5
2. Show CNN Video on Japan romance/discussion
3. CNN Video on India Arranged marriages/discussion
4. Model Ch. 5 outline section 1.
5. Homework: Using section 1 model, outline section 2 "The Geography of Local and Regional Politics"

Warmup: review section 1 "What is Political Geography"
Test Tip challenge, p. 182.
What are the challenges of stateless nations?
Computer: Choose a stateless nation and summarize the problems associated with stateless nations. Summarize in a paragraph or using bullets.
Homework: Review Section 2, Ch. 5. Write 2 questions you don't understand. If you understand the section, write 2 question the section raises. These will be discussed on Friday.

Objective: Students will be able to identify an Asian city that is in the South part of the divide, but has both wealth and poverty.
1. Summarize North/South Divide concept; identify Mumbai on map and give statistics.
2. View google images of Mumbai
3. Listen to an interview with Katherine Boo who wrote about Mumbai slums.
a. As you're listening ask yourself the following: What is the critical information from this interview? Write one-two sentence summary identifying what you think is the main point of the interview.
b. Divide into groups of four and share summaries. Choose the one (or combination of more) that your group would like to share with the class.

Discussion of Section 2
Share 2 questions you didn't understand on Section 2. What questions were raised by the section?
Discussion questions:

Friday, February 10, 2012

NY Times Book Review of Behind the Beautiful Forevers

Life in a Mumbai Slum

Interview with Katherine Boo, author of Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity.

Political Geo. Conflict Activity

Human Geography

Political Geography Activity

Choose a conflict from the list at OR a conflict from your cultural hearth. You may work alone or with a partner. Find the following information about the conflict:

1. Briefly explain: who, what, where, when aspects of the conflict.

2. Does the conflict involve boundary disputes? If so, what kind (antecedent, etc.)?

3. Do buffer states ameliorate the situation?

4. Does the conflict act as a centripetal or centrifugal force? Explain how.

5. Are any organizations involved? If so, what role do they play?

6. Does colonialism or neo-colonialism play a part? If so, how?

7. Is any kind of frontier involved? If so, what are they and how are they involved?

8. What economic issues are involved? How?

9. Feel free to add any other political or economic issues.

When you have found the answers to most of these questions, write an essay describing the conflict while addressing the above issues. In your conclusion address whether or not the issue has been resolved. Include your opinion on the possibility of resolution. Also predict the possible consequences of a peaceful or violent resolution. End the conclusion by identifying some possible questions that this conflict raises.

Be sure to use in-text citations as well as a Works Cited page.

Grading Rubric

____ (40) Coherency (thesis statement in introduction; topic sentences for each paragraph; fully developed paragraphs; transition words)

____ (20) Writing mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.)

____ (20) Evidence of well developed geography vocabulary

____ (10) Thoughtful introduction and conclusion)

­­____ (5) Formatting (font, pg.#, Works Cited in and end, margins)

____ (5) Following directions.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

great research web sites

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of Feb. 6-10 Period 7

2/6/12 Period 7
Collect projects
Collect first 10 words VIS chart
BEEP video finish social organizations (your own notes)
begin beliefs & values (handout notes)
Homework: 2nd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

2/7/12 Finish BEEP series
Handouts: ethnocentrism (jigsaw)
Homework: 3rd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

2/8/12 100% American (jigsaw)
Homework: 4th 10 Political Geo. vocab.

BEEP Series test
CNN video on McDonaldization (cultural imperialism)
Essential questions: How do multinational corporation affect indigenous cultures?
Homework: Finish all vocab Pol. Geo by Monday.

HSC practice tests
Pep Rally
Practice identifying countries
work on vocab. All words due Tues.

HSC tests
HSC (How to Study a Culture) Test
Homework: read and print out Sun-Sentinel article entitled: "Bomb blasts bring death to Syria's Aleppo." Connect article to a vocab. word or some theme in Ch. 5.

Coming Up:
Outlining Ch. 5
vocab. drills
Raising questions
Rubenstein colonial map activities
Rubenstein: Middle East conflict
Review Ch. 1-3 multiple choice test

Cultural Hearth work: a. What countries border your hearth's countries?
b. What are the historical border conflicts? Explain in a paragraph.
c. Print outline of you hearth's country and identify the following:
1. shape (rectangular, compact, etc.)
2. landlocked?
3. exclave or enclave
d. Has the boundary of your hearth changed? If so, how and why?
e. List the centripetal and centrifugal forces for your hearth.
f. Of what organizations is your hearth a member?

Promethean Flipchart

Week of Feb. 6-10 Period 5

2/6/12 Period 5
Collect projects
Collect first 10 words VIS chart
BEEP video finish social organizations (your own notes)
begin beliefs & values (handout notes)
Homework: 2nd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

Finish BEEP series
Handouts: ethnocentrism (jigsaw)
Homework: 3rd 10 Political Geo. vocab.

100% American (jigsaw)
BEEP Series test
Homework: 4th 10 Political Geo. vocab.
00% American (jigsaw)
Homework: 4th 10 Political Geo. vocab.

Practice map identification
1. work on vocab. All words due Tues.

Today's colonial states