Period 7
1. Agri. Flipchart review
2. Ch. 7 multiple choice test
3. Homework: study for essay test
1. Lynn Henning video, printout, and discussion
2. Essay test
3. Homework: Read Ch. 8, Section 1 "Historical Geography of Urban Environments." Be ready to explain the following:
a. How did Chicago evolve into a major city?
b. How does rapid urban growth lead to social problems?
c. What are the characteristics of a Gateway city? Give examples.
1. 10-minute write ups
2. Discussion of Section 1
3. Homework: Read Ch. 8, Section 2 "Culture and Urban Form." Make a chart and bullet the characteristices and examples of the following: Colonial city; edge city; feudal city; gateway city; Islamic city; medieval city; megacity; megalopolis, primate city; world city; Latin American city. You will need 3 sheets of paper with approximately 3-4 sub-headings on each sheet.
1. Warm-up: List characteristics of a ________ city.
2. Flipchart: slides of beaux arts; the City Beautiful movement, postmodern architecture.
3. Homework-- Tonight: Finish reading Ch. 8. Complete all MC & extended response practice tests.
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