Saturday, April 28, 2012

King Corn Discussion Guide

Week of 4/30-5/4 Period 7

Period 7
0.  King Corn quiz:
1. Warm-up:  10-minute writing:  Using the vocab. from the flipchart, discuss how corn came to dominate US farm production.
2. Display corn ingredient products
3. Seminar on King Corn
4.  Homework:   Complete Ch. 7 practice test

1. Warmup:  selected Ch. 7 multiple choice questions.
2.  Lynn Henning seminar
3.  Homework:  Review Ch. 7 "Answers for Free-Response Questions"

DROP 5/2/12

1.  Warmup:  Answer selected free-response Ch. 7 question.
2.  Finish Ch. 7 flipchart
3.  Homework:  Study Ch. 7 for test tomorrow.

1.  Warm-up:  selected practice test question
2.  game review
3.  Homework:  answer essay questions

Week of Apr. 30-May 4 Period 5

Period 5

0.  King Corn quiz:
1. Warm-up: 10-minute writing: Using the vocab. from the flipchart, discuss how corn came to dominate US farm production.
2. Display corn ingredient products
3. Seminar on King Corn
4. Homework: Complete Ch. 7 practice test

Sections of King Corn
Discussion of implication of over-production of corn crop
Homework:  Do Ch. 7 practice test
1. Warmup: selected Ch. 7 multiple choice questions.
2. Finish King Corn and discussion
3. Homework: Review Ch. 7 "Answers for Free-Response Questions"

1. Warm-up: King Corn quiz
2. Ch. 7 vocab game
3. Homework: Study Ch. 7 for test Monday; answer essay questions

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Models & Theory Review

Directions for models/theories activity

1.  Define model/theory.
2.  Explain definition.
3.  Apply to human geography. (Why is this important?)
4.  Give examples.
5.  What are the flaws?
6.  Illustrate with picture or diagram.

1-3 pages typed with one page photograph.  Check writing requirements on syllabus.  Due on Thursday.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week of Apr. 23-27 Period 5

Week of Apr. 23-27 Period 5
Ch.  6 Part 2 test
Jigsaw Part 1, Ch. 7
Homework:  Make up 2 questions for Part 1, Ch. 7

10 minute writing on Industrialization
Review Part 1
Address questions
Homework:  Read Part 2

Review Part 1
Jigsaw Part1
Introduce "King Corn"

Collect models
Planet Earth "Rivers"
Homework:  Finish reading Ch. 7

Collect models
Introduce "King Corn"
Film "King Corn"
Homework:  Bring one item from home that has a corn derivative in it.
Study entire Agriculture chapter because BIG test will be next week.
Also, be ready to explain individual models on Tues.

Week of Apr. 23-27 Period 7

Week of Apr. 23-27 Period 7
Jigsaw Part 1, Ch. 7
Homework:  Make up 2 questions for Part 1, Ch. 7

Review Part 1
Address questions
Homework:  Read Part 1

Jigsaw Part1
Review Part 1
Introduce "King Corn"

Collect models.
Finish "King Corn" and discuss
1.  Read and study rest of Ch. 7 (Test next week!)
2.  Bring one item from home that has a corn derivative.
3.  Go to Lynn Henning link; copy and read for discussion on Monday.

Discuss "King Corn"
Finish Flipchart
Agri. game

Friday, April 13, 2012

Linfen, China: the Most Polluted City in China

Week of April 16-20 Period 7

Week of April 16-20 Period 7
Collect paragraphs for extra credit.
Review Ch. 6
Introduce T-Shirt Travels

Finish T-Shirt Travels
Film discussion
Ch. 6 T-Shirt quiz tomorrow

Game review Ch. 6
T-Shirt quiz
Homework: Study for Ch. 6 test

LinFen, China video
Ch. 6 test
Homework: Read first part of Ch. 7

Ch. 7 Essential vocab. & questions
Homework: Read all of Ch. 7

Week of April 16-20 Period 5

Week of April 16-20 Period 5
Collect paragraphs for extra credit.
Review Ch. 6
Introduce T-Shirt Travels

Finish T-Shirt Travels
Film discussion
Ch. 6 T-Shirt quiz tomorrow

Game review Ch. 6
T-Shirt quiz
Homework: Study for Ch. 6 test

LinFen, China video
Ch. 6 test
Homework: Read all of Ch. 7

Thursday, April 12, 2012

toxic WV themes

Human Geography themes in Toxic: WV

Land degradation
Cultural loss
Corporate power
Appalachian Region
Non-renewal resources
Culture shock
Capitalist culture
Fossil fuels

From the film-maker:

We went to West Virginia to investigate mountain-top removal – which a way of extracting coal from deposits under mountains. Instead of drilling into the mountain and sending men underground to take out the coal in the traditional way, they just take the whole top of a mountain off. A mountain is built like a cake. You have your worthless rock-minerals, whatever, and then you have your icing, which is the coal. Then you have another layer of rock, another layer of icing, and so on. The layers of coal, which are called seams, can vary from two feet to twelve feet in height. In West Virginia there are huge seams of coal. So, just imagine you have this cake and you want to get the icing out. Do you go in with your finger and try to get all the icing out from in between the two layers? Or do you just say, “___ it,” and take the top off? It’s a great idea if you’re dealing with cake, but unfortunately it has really ill effects on the environment and anyone living within a 100-mile radius. This will eventually affect more and more of the country too, because all the ___ that comes off the mountain goes into their water system, which connects to larger water systems. The companies try to play it off by saying that they’re developing flat land. On flat land, theoretically, you can put a mall or a Wal-Mart. But when they do mountaintop removal and make the land flat, the substructure is so compromised that the things they’ve built have been condemned. After a couple of years, the walls and plumbing start busting up because of the structure settling. The reason a lot of people think the Appalachians were settled was because of coal, but coal was only discovered in the 1700s. The Cherokees, who had been pushed out of their land in the Carolinas, settled in the Appalachians because that land was so rich and bountiful. There is plenty of water and there are valleys that don’t freeze in the winter. For subsistence, it’s perfect. You have to work hard, but you are your own boss and you don’t have to participate in capitalist culture. So when you take the land away and ____ up the water, you force people into a situation they aren’t traditionally accustomed to. You take their independence away. There’s a real culture shock to losing the land as a source of life and goodness. People are like, “Why don’t they just move?” It’s not about that. These people have been living on this family land for hundreds of years. And it’s not just principle. Why should the giant hand of a corporation be able to flick you off like a little flea? — Producer Meredith Danluck

WV Toxic Coal Mines video

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week Apr. 9-12 Period 7

4/9/12 Period 7
Vocab. card review
Rostow's Stages of Development
Promethean Flipchart on economic activities.
Homework: Study GDP, GNP, PPP, etc.

4/10/1210-minute writingGDP, etc. discussion
Promethean Board review
Homework: Study HDI and Gender Equity; Core, etc.; World Systems Theory

HDI and Gender Equity writing
Confusing topics
Promethean Board--Copy "Effects of Industrialization"
Homework: Study rest of Ch. 6

Ch. review: What are the costs and benefits associated with industrialization?
Introduce "Toxic: West Virginia" (handout online)
Watch film "Toxic: West Virginia"
Write-up: Using the vocabulary (minimum 10-words) from the handout, write a reaction paragraph to "Toxic: West Virginia"
Homework: Study Ch. 6

Film: T-Shirt Travels
Review (vocab. cards)
Ch. 6 test on Monday
Homework: Study for test

Review for test
Ch. 6 test

Week of Apr. 9-12 Period 5

Vocab. card review
Rostow's Stages of Development
Promethean Flipchart on economic activities.
Homework: Study GDP, GNP, PPP, etc.

10-minute writing
GDP, etc. discussion (PBS Learning Media)
Promethean Board review
Homework: Study HDI and Gender Equity; Core, etc.; World Systems Theory

HDI and Gender Equity writing
Confusing topics
Promethean Board--Copy "Effects of Industrialization"
Homework: Study rest of Ch. 6


Ch. review: What are the costs and benefits associated with industrialization?
Introduce "Toxic: West Virginia" (handout online)
Watch film "Toxic: West Virginia"
Write-up: Using the vocabulary (minimum 10-words) from the handout, write a reaction paragraph to "Toxic: West Virginia"
The above is extra credit or an assignment for those absent.
Homework: Study Ch. 6