1. 10 minute writing on economic shift of the 1970s and its effect on US economy: looking for the following vocab. words: RUST BELT & DEINDUSTRIALIZATION (collect 5)
2. BEEP FILM: Industrial Revolution
3. Homework: Reread p. 209 -- Make sure you know definition of maquiladora.
1. 5-minute on maquiladoras
2. introduce 5 types of economic activities
3. Study on p. 211 Barrons. Be ready to list tomorrow and explain on Monday.
0. Collect 4 Pol. Geo. samples
1. List types of economic activities and group check.
1. List types of economic activities and group check.
2. Colbert Nation interviews pink slime advocate.
3. Homework: Outline Ch. 6. Pay particular attention to Rostow's Stages of Development. Be ready for test on Friday.