Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of Oct. 3--7 Period 7

10/3/11 Period 7
Using computers find and note the following concerning the 1918-19 influenza pandemic:
  • location of outbreak
  • description of location (e.g., isolated region, military base, or urban area)
  • age of victims
  • number of dead in location
  • length of illness before death
  • means of prevention(e.g. gauze masks, or quarantine of individuals or villages
  • primary means of contraction
  • Homework: find web site that shows some kind of diffusion map of your cultural hearth. print out and draw 3 conclusions
Check Ch. 2 vocab
Vocab. quiz Ch. 2

10/4 drop 7

  • collect hearth maps with disease diffusion and conclusions
  • Finish finding info. on disease diffusion
  • 2:10 Ch. 23
  • Homework: start new vocab
1. Students will compile findings on world map labeling them them with dates of reported outbreaks, number of deaths, and possible means of contraction.

2. Students will compare maps and analyze the pattern of the diffusion of the flu pandemic.
a. look for similarities and differences in the number of deaths.
b. what could account for some of these patterns
c. draw at least 3 conclusions about the spread of the flu

3. Assessment: Your group has been asked to plan a strategy to contain a virulent flu outbreak in a populous part of the world today, such as Western Europe. What features today would cause the flu to diffuse faster and farther? What features today would help slow and contain the flu? Write a report taking these factors into consideration, including information about more recent public health issues, such as the SARS virus.

Coming up: recognizing regions; using scale; Unit 2 test

Week of Oct. 3--7 Period 5

quiz games

  • quiz
  • part 1 diffusion project (Number 2) (See "Diffusion Project" link)

part 2 Diffusion Project
(Number 3 & 4) (See "Diffusion Project" link)

  • diffusion project assessment
  • homework: find a disease that diffused into your hearth; print out; draw 3 conclusions

collect hearth disease diffusion printouts
Diffusion project (see other classes)

  • Obj: To analyze a geographic visual
    1. quiz
    2. On a sheet of paper:
    a. define time-space convergence
    b. give 1 example and 1 exception
    c. Give one example of how the world has changed since 1980.
    d. predict how the world will change by 2050 (you will be in your 50s)
    3. whole group: discuss meaning and examples.
    EQ: How has global communication and travel changed over the past century?
  • review Tobler's Law; time-space; 5 goals of HG AP exam

Week of Oct. 3--7 Period 2

10/3/11 Period 2
Week's Objective: Trace the diffusion of influenza flu epidemic
  • review computer procedures
  • introduce diffusion project
  • see "Diffusion Project" for entire directions
  • homework: print out your hearth's diffusion map and draw 3 conclusions
  • quiz
  • work on diffusion project part 2
Students will compile findings on world map labeling them with dates of reported outbreaks, number of deaths, and possible means of contraction.

Xpedition Lesson Plan
Analyze the pattern of the flu pandemic
a. what could account for some of these patterns
b. draw 2 or 3 conclusions about the spread of the flu

What features today would cause the flu to diffuse faster and farther? What features today would help slow and contain the flu? Write a report taking these factors into consideration, including information about more recent public health issues, such as the SARS virus.

Packet due on Monday!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of Sept. 26-30 Period 7

9/26/11 Period 7
  • warm-up: review diffusion outline by writing 3 kinds of diffusion and explaining them to LP
  • p.92 Barrons: What does Tobler's First Law of Geo. state? Give examples. Give exceptions.
  • quizlet Unit 2 review

  • review Tobler's First Law of Geo.
  • warm-up: Barrons--Identify 5 Goals of AP Exam in HG
  • explain them in your own words
  • quizlet

  • warm-up: write 3 goals of AP HG exam
  • read graphic on p. 90.
  • brainstorm what graphic means
  • discussion on time-space convergence
  • homework: finish essay

  • game unit 2 vocab quiz
  • homework: study vocab; quiz on 10/3

Week of Sept. 26-30 Period 5

HG Period 5
Collect Unit test #16-20 give credit.
review spatial diffusion models
collect outlines
p-92 Barrons: What does Tobler's First Law of Geography state? Give 2 examples; give 2 exceptions
homework: finish all Barrons Chapter 2 vocab

warm-up: Write Tobler's First Law of Geography & give one example.
quizlet vocab. review
recognizing states
homework: study vocab; quiz on 10/3

  • In Barrons, paraphrase the 5 goals of the AP Exam in Human Geo.
  • Quizlet vocab review
  • introduce P. 90 graphic & meaning

9/30/11 DROP 5

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week of Sept. 26-30 Period 2

Week of Sept. 26-30 Period 2
9/26/11 DROP 2

  • vocab. 2 quiz
  • finish outlines
  • quizlet
Obj. To understand spatial diffusion models
0. warm-up: tell your LP about one type of diffusion
1. Outline model on Spatial Diffusion
2. Introduce time-space convergence
Homework: finish all Unit 2 vocab
EQ: Can you explain the different kinds of spatial diffusion?

9/30/11 Period 2
Obj: To review key concepts
1. p. 92--What does Tobler's 1st Law of Geography state? Give examples. Give exceptions.
2. Using you own examples, explain the time-space convergence concept.
3. vocab quiz game
4. Homework: study for vocab quiz

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SA Week of Sept. 19-23 Period 3

People Like Us (Part I)

1. Cultural and Ethnography group questions
2. Review critical vocab.

1. Ethnography & Culture quiz review

1. Warm-up: Peer edit Bourdieu essays
2. Collect People Like Us commentaries
3. Group work: Analyze advertisement based on Bourdieu concepts
4. Present to rest of class

1. Introduce "Mother's Love: Death without Weeping"
Do google search. Look for PDF from Rutgers
2. Homework: Finish Mother's Love

1. Group work: Mother's Love Discussion questions
2. review quizzes

People Like Us PartII

Week of 9/19/11 HG Period 5

HG Period 5
9/19/11 (Sub)
1. Map plotting handout

9/20/11 Drop 5

1. Warm-up Activity: P. 21 Rubenstein: on map in bottom left, draw 5 conclusions.
2. Collect hearth maps
3. Finish Promethean Board Unit 2
4. Homework: Work on vocab. words. Should now have 30 words.

1. Review spatial diffusion in Barrons
2. Construct spatial diffusion outlines
3. review past quizzes
4. Homework: study vocab. quiz on 9/26

9/23/11 (Sub)
Interpreting Maps handout:
9/26/10--Interpreting Maps
1. P. 39 in Rubenstein:
a. In a paragraph compare 1981 to 1993. 1993 to 2001
b. Referring to the map in the bottom right, which states have the most AIDS cases? the least?
c. Do you see any patterns?
2. p.57
a. What countries have the highest life expectancy?
b. What countries have the lowest?
c. Provide the life expectancy for the following:
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
3. p. 95
a. Which country had the largest amount of immigrants to the US during the 1990s? How many?
b. Which had the second largest amount? How many?
c. Which Asian country had the highest amount of immigrants to the US in 2001? How many?

1. Warm-up review for vocab. quiz

Week of 9/19/11 HG Period 2

1. Plot latitude and longitude on map

1. Promethean Board up to choropleth map
2. Vocab. quiz on Friday
3. Homework:
a. Print out 1 reference and 3 thematic maps of cultural hearth
b. Do 10 Unit 2 vocab words in Barrons

9/21/11 2
1. Warm-up: Write 3 interpretations of Hispanic/Latino choropleth map
2. Check Rubenstein/Barrons vocab. words
3. Activity: P. 21 Rubenstein: on map in bottom right, draw 5 conclusions.
4. Review Unit one tests & quizzes
5. Homework: Do 10 more Barrons vocab. Quiz on Thurs.

9/22/11 per. 2
0. Warm-up: Learning Partner vocab. crossword
1. Ch. 2 vocab. quiz on Tues. 9/27
2. Promethean Board continuation
3. work on vocab. words
4. check hearth maps & rest of vocab
5. Homework: finish all Unit 2 Barrons vocab. words

Interpreting Maps handout:
9/26/10--Interpreting Maps
1. P. 39 in Rubenstein:
a. In a paragraph compare 1981 to 1993. 1993 to 2001
b. Referring to the map in the bottom right, which states have the most AIDS cases? the least?
c. Do you see any patterns?
2. p.57
a. What countries have the highest life expectancy?
b. What countries have the lowest?
c. Provide the life expectancy for the following:
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
3. p. 95
a. Which country had the largest amount of immigrants to the US during the 1990s? How many? b. Which had the second largest amount? How many?
c. Which Asian country had the highest amount of immigrants to the US in 2001? How many?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rubenstein Vocab. p-41

Rubenstein Vocab.

agricultural density
arithmetic density
base line
environmental determinism

Note: There were other vocab. but they are covered in Barrons. If you can't find them, you may come after school to complete them using the Rubenstein book.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

AP Models and Theories

Cultural Hearth Project

Group/Individual Project (25% of your semester and final grade)

Meaningful learning takes place when students can relate global situations to their own lives. Therefore, you will complete a multi-media project that addresses human geographic themes in relation to your own family’s history. Groups will consist of students who share the same cultural hearth. You will interview parents, grandparents, and/or other relatives to understand your migratory origins and obtain data on how and why your family eventually settled in the United States. If possible, try to interview someone currently living in your cultural hearth. Depending on your ancestry and the class demographic make-up, you will either work independently or in groups (limit four). We will allot time for project work each week. The partial project will be checked and scored one week before the end of the mid-term. The final project will be due one week before Semester 1's Winter Break (last school day of April for Semester 2). Below are some issues you will need to address. I provide these now so you can think about them and take notes in your journal as we progress through the class. You do not have to address each issue, but you must address the majority of them. Be sure to use plenty of visuals (maps, pictures, video, etc.) to make your presentation interesting. Construct one piece of artwork to display in classroom or media center. Have at least one presenter dress in the cultural garb of your cultural hearth. Grading rubric is posted on this web site. 2-3 slides should be sufficient per unit. A hard copy of the presentation needs to be included with your final product along with a copy of the rubric.

Unit 1: Migration pattern. Sense of place. Spatial perspective. Regional sustainability. Natural landscape. Vernacular region.

Unit 2
: Distance. Relative distance. Relative location. Large-scale maps of origin and residence. Thematic maps. Population density of both places. Absolute location. Absolute distance from origin to current residence. Accessibility. Cartogram. Choropleth. Cognitive map (if available. You may have to get this one from a relative.) Complementarity. Connectivity. Contagious diffusion. State latitude and longitude of both places. Friction of distance. Law of retail gravitation. Time-space convergence. Transferability. Site and situation.

Unit 3: Age-sex distribution. Emigration. Migration. Chain migration. Push and pull factors. Forced migration. Internal migration. Intervening obstacles. Immigration. Voluntary migration. Refugees. Life expectancy. Child mortality rate. Crude birth rate. Crude death rate. Maternity mortality rate. Total fertility rate. Demographic accounting equation. Demographic transition model. Dependency ratio. Doubling time. Natural increase rate. Overpopulation. Physiologic density. Infant mortality rate. Population density. Population growth. Population pyramid. Arithmetic density. Carrying capacity. Zero population growth.

Unit 4: Culture. Customs. Cultural complex. Cultural hearth. Cultural traits. Cultural imperialism. Culture change. Transculturation. Folk culture. Pop culture. Diaspora. Language. Dialect. Ethnic cleansing. Genocide. Ethnic neighborhood. Minorities. Official language. Multicultural. Missionary. Ghettoization. Religion. Local religion. Ethnic religion. Evangelical religion. Fundamentalism.

Unit 5: Centrifugal and centripetal forces. Colonialism. Frontier. Nation. Landlocked state. Nationalism. Nation-state. NAFTA effect. NATO effect. OPEC effect. Perforated state. Physical boundaries. Political geography. Prorupted state. Relic boundaries. Sovereignty. Superimposed boundaries. Member of any supranational organizations. Territorial organization. Theocracy. Unitary state.

Unit 6: Core-periphery model. Cottage industries. Gender equity. GDP. GNP. Industrialization. Primary economic activities. Secondary economic activities. Tertiary economic activities. Sustainable development. Productivity. Purchasing Power Parity. Quaternary and quinary economic activities. Regionalization. Rostow’s stages of development. Globalization.

Unit 7: Agriculture. Agribusiness. Dairying. Animal husbandry. Intensive cultivation. Feedlots. Pastoralism. Pesticides. Mechanization. Slash-and-burn agriculture. Urban sprawl. Subsistence. Specialty crops. Topsoil loss. Transhumance. Von Thunen model. Green revolution.

Unit 8
: Central business district. Central place theory. Concentric zone model. Colonial city. Inner city decay. Latin American cities. Hinterland. Gentrification. Ghettoization. Segregation. Primate city. Suburbs. World city. Urban revitalization. Urban morphology. Squatter settlements. Metropolitan areas. Multiple nuclei model. Sector model. Modern architecture. Urbanization. Edge city. Gateway city. Colonial city.

Friday, September 9, 2011

World Population Clock

National Geography Standards

AP HG exam

AP Human Geography web site

Companion to Rubenstein